Crystal Healing for Beginners

Crystal Healing for Beginners

When starting the journey of self-healing can be confusing and complicated. So if you are new to crystal healing and are finding it difficult to know exactly where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Let me help you navigate crystals so that you can start to use them in your healing journey today. These are crystals that I have personally used on my path and have found the best ways and time to incorporate them to get the maximum benefit that you need. So let’s dive in and get started.

The first step is identifying what it is that you want to amplify or the intention that you want to strengthen with your crystals. Or, you can simply isolate a feeling or behavior in your mind and body that you want to change. This could simply be having a stronger voice, expanding your self-love, cutting back on negative self-talk, lessening the feelings of anger, or gaining better emotional control. By identifying what you want your crystals to help you address, you are better able to identify the crystal that will help you achieve it. 

Ready? Let’s Explore…

Rose Quartz Crystal

Rose Quartz Crystal

Rose Quartz is possibly my absolute favorite crystal. Why? Because it promotes self-love and healing. It also can help bring about a balanced romantic relationship and a general sense of wellbeing and peace. Rose Quartz is comprised of silicon dioxide and has been found in America (South Dakota), Brazil, and South Africa. It’s thought that the properties in Rose Quartz carry the ultimate in Universal Love and that is why it is such a powerful stone when it comes to healing emotions and romantic love.

Chakra Work

From a chakra perspective, Rose Quartz Crystal is perfect for healing the heart chakra and opening it up to healthy love energies. Since Rose Quartz aids in healing and cultivating self-love it can be used to address and heal emotional wounds. So if you’re struggling with self-acceptance, negative self-talk, or a poor view of yourself, Rose Quartz might just be the perfect crystal for you to start with.

Tip: Make sure any imperfection your crystal has, resonates with you. For example… is it the perfect size, clarity, and color that connects with you?

Clear Quartz Crystal

Clear Quartz Crystal

Clear quartz crystal is the go-to healing crystal. Whether you are you’re looking to make quick, easy changes within your life or creating bigger shifts, Clear Quartz Crystal does it all. Clear Quartz Crystal helps to bring about concentration and increasing memory capacity while also bringing holistic balance. This crystal is also the go-to for all things related to healing. It’s incredibly versatile and powerful, thus it can amplify the energy that is intentionally created in the space tenfold. This makes Clear Quartz Crystal an excellent crystal for manifestation and goal setting.

Chakra Work

From a chakra perspective, Clear Quartz Crystal is an all-in-one crystal that can work with all of the chakras. It can help to clear the aura as well and help one to access their higher self for true ascension and healing.

Tip: I have found that working with Arkansas Ozark Clear Quartz Crystal has been a very powerful magnifying crystal for my healing practice. 

Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst is a very supportive crystal that can help curb destructive thoughts and drinking while improving one’s mindfulness as well as being more conscious of thoughts in one’s mind. Its protective qualities can help to cleanse one’s aura while helping to clear out any negativity or negative energy attachments.

Chakra Work

From a chakra perspective, working with Amethyst can help to enhance a sense of well-being in the mind helping to clear out anything that blocks your crown chakra to create a space for true, deep healing.  

Tip: While you can get your Crystals from nearly anywhere, it’s important to make sure that they are lovingly extracted from the earth. Each crystal that is mined from the earth is like a baby being taken away from its mother. 

How to Work With Crystals

There are endless ways that you can work with your crystals, literally the sky is the limit – or your imagination is. One of the ways that I have found to work with crystals is simply carrying them with me. Having my crystals with me all of the time continually gives me the amplified power to work on and through the healing that I have set out to do. 

I also like to integrate crystals into my meditation practice. For example, I love to hold my crystals as I am meditating on a very specific thought or pattern that I am looking to strengthen in my belief system. To do this I will hold a crystal in my hand over the energy center or chakra that this limiting belief is tied to. If I have two crystals, I will hold one in each hand and place them at my sides to create somewhat of an energy shield to amplify my intentions.

Placing crystals around your home or office is another way to keep the healing power of crystals around you at all times. If there is a specific crystal that you connect strongly with you, then you may find that you want to place it in every room of your house. While that is okay for some, it’s not for others and you should do your research before placing crystals in your bedroom. Some can interrupt your sleep cycle.

Charging and Cleansing Your Crystals

While this topic could be an article in itself, it’s important to share how to charge and cleanse your crystals. To charge your crystals you can place them in the moonlight of a full moon overnight, being sure to bring them in before the light of the morning sun. To cleanse your crystals you can simply smudge them with sage smoke. This is simply having the intention to clear them out of negative energy while running sage smoke around them. Another way that works for multiple crystals at a time is placing them on a selenite slab. Selenite is also a crystal but has such power clearing properties that it is a wonderful way to cleanse all of your crystals.

Have you worked with crystals? Share the ways you like to use them in the comments!


Keep your thoughts focused on good you want to attract into your life through speaking your truth and sharing your experiences.  This will help you to unblock your throat chakra and live a more authentic life for yourself. 

Y O U  A R E  E N O U G H   |   W E  A R E  A L L  C O N N E C T E D

~Spotted Owl

How to Unblock Your Throat Chakra

How to Unblock Your Throat Chakra

Our chakras – energy centers in our bodies – are unbalanced or blocked this can create imbalance in the way we perceive the world around us, our actions and behaviors. To be clear, we are all living this human experience and we’re not always in perfect balance at all times, and that’s okay. However, we are capable of actively working to address the reasons these imbalances exist in the first place. Let’s explore the throat chakra.


Our Throat Chakra

Our throat chakra is where we house our communication and expression. It’s where we speak authentically from as a sovereign self. When this energy center starts to become blocked or out of balance we might find that we are unable to express ourselves, we might stop listening to others or interrupt and become judgmental or critical. Because we don’t feel able to express ourselves or truly be understood, the need for secrecy might arise as well. When this happens, it’s important to do some inward exploration to help solve how block or imbalance came to be. The following ideas/tools can help in your exploration by intensifying your intentions and results. 


Ways to unblock your throat Chakra 

Change Your Vibrational Frequency with Crystals – Crystals are a powerful tool to use when looking to clear our energetic bodies. Lapis Lazuli Crystal is especially effective for the throat chakra – the darker the better – because the crystal can help magnify the frequency of bringing the power of your own personal truth to reality. Carry your crystal with you and hold it while you are speaking your affirmations (see below).

Repeat Powerful Affirmations – When you repeat a set of affirmations you harness the power of your words to change your reality, thus relieving yourself of old patterns and making room for new ones. When trying to unblock your throat chakra try these affirmation.

“I am safe to speak my truth.”

“My ideas and thoughts are important.”

“I listen effortlessly and with intention.”

“I effortlessly communicate with confidence.”

“I am safe to speak my truth.”

Repeat these to yourself (out loud) with your hands placed over your throat.

Yoga Poses – You can help connect your mind and body with yoga poses. Start by intermixing a few cat cow poses while doing a lions breath (one breath in, on the exhale open your mouth wide and roar). While doing this repeat in your mind that you are safe to speak your truth.
Food & Drink – Drink plenty of water and soothing teas. Eat foods that help the mind to function effortlessly – nuts, (purple foods) blackberries, plums, grapes, goji berries.

See an Energy Healer – Sometimes what is blocking our energy centers can be too much for us to clear on our own. Seek out an energy healer that can help you clear any emotional/traumatic lingering energies that are in the way of you stepping into becoming the best version of who you are meant to be. Schedule an appointment with me to start to the process of healing. 


Keep your thoughts focused on good you want to attract into your life through speaking your truth and sharing your experiences.  This will help you to unblock your throat chakra and live a more authentic life for yourself. 

Y O U  A R E  E N O U G H   |   W E  A R E  A L L  C O N N E C T E D

~Spotted Owl

You Know You’re Having a Spiritual Awakening If…

You Know You’re Having a Spiritual Awakening If…

Here are 10 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening


10. You Start to Question Things


By that I mean EVERYTHING. When you are going through your spiritual awaking you will start to question societal norms around work, love, bodies, relationships. Don’t worry though, because you are starting to see that in our society these norms exist simply to keep us held back and from living our true medicine.

The Office Meme

9. You Start to Get Brain Fog

Waking up is hard to do and when you do it’s foggy. You might find that you can’t stay focused on work or finish what you started. Just keep plugging away because this too shall pass.


Homer Simpson's Brain

8. You Start to Notice Numbers

You might be in your car and notice the license plate of the car ahead of you has 777, or check the time and its 2:22. Numbers in these forms having meanings and are messages from your Spirt Guides. You are now starting to notice because you are waking up.


Zach Galifianakis

7. You Start to Feel Deeper Connections with People

You’ll find that when you are going through your Spiritual Awakening that you sense and feel strong connections with people that you never really felt before. You’ll also find that friends who have always been there before start to fall away. Don’t worry, this is so others can enter your life and help you along your path.


Kermit and Miss Piggy Meme

6. You Become Aware and Take Responsibility for Your Toxic Patterns

We all have patterns that don’t serve us and when you are going through your Spiritual Awaking you will start to notice these patterns. Not only will you notice them, you will want to do something about them.


SNL Meme

5. You Start to Experience Compassion For Others Unlike Anytime Before

As you start to wake up you’ll notice that you begin to experience compassion for people that you would never have before. People that hurt you, or wronged you, rather than feel anger or pain you will start empathize with them and look past their misdeeds and more at what may have cause them to behave the way they did.


South Park Meme

4. You Become Okay with Letting Things Go

As you progress on your path to Spiritual Awakening you will find that you are okay with letting things go. People, outcomes to situations, jobs, even life long goals (toxic goals of course). You find peace in losing your attachment to these things and thus continue further on your awakening path.


Let it go meme

3. You Realize Everyone and Everything Has a Purpose

And that includes you. As you wake up you come to the realization that not only do you have a purpose, so does everything in your life. You begin to see the lessons in each interaction you have and work on developing your natural abilities so that you can pursue being who you were sent here to be.


We all have a purpose

2. You See How Everything is C O N N E C T E D

Even little things that were insignificant to you in the past will now bare some sense of meaning and connection with other things in your environment and in the world. You will appreciate the ties that you share with others, nature, animals and the Universe.


Everything is Connected

1. You’re Ready to Start Really Living

Congrats, you’ve reached the final stage. You’ve embraced your flaws and see that they are what set you apart and make you uniquely perfect. You are ready to set out on a new way of living outside of the confines of the limited belief patterns of society and yearn to wake others up to join you – AND YOU WILL!


Beyonce Meme

Are you going through a spiritual awakening? Let me know in the comments.

How To Build An Alter

How To Build An Alter

Building an alter in your home is an essential way to honor your ancestors, spirit guides helpers and angels. Remember that whatever resonates with you is who you will build your alter for. For easy reference I’ll refer to them as your “guides” throughout this post. Your alter is your space to acknowledge, honor and give thanks to your guides. You will want to locate a space (or spaces) in your home or garden that is a comfortable space to stand, kneel or sit. I have mine located on a wall that is just below head level. This allows me the ability stand comfortably and meditate in front of it, but the height is completely up to you and what position you like to meditate in best. 

If you are finding it difficult to decide where the best place is to have your alter, do a little meditating on it. Have your guides show you where you should have it. Perhaps they will show you a few places and you can determine how and when to put them into place.

Once you have determined a space it’s time to assemble items for your alter. Here’s a list of what you will need. This is just a list to get you started, you should personalize it to what fits best with your uses and needs. It’s time get creative!


What you need to build an alter:

  • Small shelf, stool or table
  • Comfy pillow for sitting or kneeling
  • Dish or pedestal bowl for offerings
  • Crystals – choose a variety that fit with who you are, your goals and that naturally resonate with you
  • Bell, drum or some other object to clear the energy via vibration
  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Cloth or materials that hold special significance to you

Smudging supplies

  • Small heat resistant bowl
  • Feather – this can be one you already have on hand or find in nature
  • Sage – not Palo Santo (see below for explanation) – often found at local shops or co-ops or order online
  • Matches or a lighter

Offerings or Gifts to Guides

  • Tobacco
  • Cornmeal
  • Indurata (also known as Indian or Calico Corn)
  • Alcohol
  • Moon Water
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Dried and fresh flowers
  • Spices
  • Anything else that feels right to you to offer!

Here are a few exampls of what to use. (Includes affiliate links)

Wooden Alter Bowl

Buffalo Hand Drum

Intention Candles

Create Your Alter

Now comes the fun part. Get all of your supplies together and start to place your items in the space. I like to place the large dish/pedestal in the center of my alter because this is the main source of giving area (and largest area of your alter) that you will have. Be sure to leave plenty of room because as you are making your offerings, the center will naturally grow on itself.

Continue laying out your items the way that feels best to you. Trust me, you will know when it feels right. Intermix candles and crystals. Feel free to change out the crystals as you need to.

Healing Junkies Pro Tip

Keep several different colors of candles or votives on hand so that you can change them out as you meditations and needs change. For example, you will want a red candle for love, a green candle for prosperity, a purple candle for self renewal. This will allow you to make full use of your new alter. Okay, now back business…

Once you have set up your alter, take a moment to thank your guides, bow your head, say a special thank you vocally and make your first offering. As you begin to use your alter you will build a special relationship with it and your guides. As you grow closer together you may find that you want to create a special vocal expression or prayer that further honors them and you and binds the bond of trust and knowing together.

Before I wrap up, I did want to touch on outdoor or garden alters. These are phenomenal ways to honor your guides. It can be as simple or extravagant as you like. For me I like to keep it a bit simpler. Again you will want to locate a space, plant flowers or special plants that have meaning to you. Include rocks, crystals, coins and make an area to leave offerings. This can be the same as listed above, you’ll just want to make sure there is an offering dish in place as well.

What are they ways or things that you like to include in your alters? Let me know!

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing is bringing peace and balance to your life through your own personal energetic being. Many different modalities, prayer, rituals and ceremonies, can be used when healing spiritually. Spiritual healing does not inherently mean you have some religious belief system. It is a self reliance that at the core you have what you need to heal within you already. You use the tools at hand to help you find your way through. Using them to uncover your own self worth, love, balance and peace. Spiritual healing is realizing that you are the medicine that you seek. 

Spiritual Healing Methods

When you tap into your own spirit you may find that some healing methods resonate more than others. The key is to identify the healing techniques that speak to your soul and thus bring harmony to your life. To truly heal our unseen wounds we must dig past the surface layers. We’re not simply ‘raising our vibration’ or ‘becoming our best self.’ True healing takes place when we start to understand why we came to this world and learn the lessons we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. True healing happens at the soul level and has systemic benefits that heal past ancestral generations and upcoming generations to come. It’s healing that transcends time, place and dimensions. It’s about letting go of all attachments and expectations we have in this life to truly experience peace, love and happiness. 

As an indigenous, Paiute woman, I myself have embraced the sacred spiritual side of this lifetime, finding the love and grace in times of fulfillment and heartache. Here’s a few healing modalities that have been life changing.


And we are all energy. Everything in this realm is energy. Energetic Medicine has been an amazing healing modality. From Reiki sessions to energetic light cleansing, working with energy can work to reprogram yourself, healing your heart and helping you to energetically attract abundance. Working with energy also gives you the ability to retrieve what you have lost along the way in times of fear and trauma. We’ll be explore all of this and more, together.

Spiritual Movies to Binge on Netflix Today

Spiritual Movies to Binge on Netflix Today

If there is one thing we have today, it’s plenty of time to binge watch. Why not use that time to learn a few things and expand our spiritual horizons. Here are just a few inspiring movies to check out on Netflix. So sit back, Netflix and  Chill.

Heal (2017)

Released in 2017, Heal navigates several natural healing techniques, from tapping to energy and sound. It features several spiritual thought leaders and profiles real life people who are facing a health crisis and documents their experience with natural healing modalities. This is an amazing film and it reminds you how important your emotions and thoughts are as they influence your bodies response to dis-ease. Check it out on Netflix: Heal

The Secret (2006)

Released in 2006. The Secret delves deep into the subject of bringing to life everything that you have ever dreamt of – your dream life. It talks about the powerful practice of Manifestation and how to align yourself, thoughts and energy with everything you have ever wanted. The Secret reminds you to DREAM BIG and know that there is not one wish that the Universe does not want to bring into your reality for you. Check it out on Netflix:  The Secret. 

Feel Rich (2017)

Released in 2017 Feel Rich explores the healing properties of the foods we eat and the impacts it has made in the lives of hip-hop and athletes alike. The film reveals how several notable artists have used the power of food to lose weight and gain healthy while also incorporating exercise and spiritual wellness. Check it out on Netflix: Feel Rich

The Last Shaman (2016)

Released in 2016 The Last Shaman follows James,  a  young man  searching for solution to his crippeling depression, as he explores traditional treatments and ultimately finds himself deep in the Amazon forest using plant medicines and Ayawaska to heal his unseen woounds. Check it out on NetFlix: The Last Shaman.

What are your favorite movies to binge and learn from? Let me know!