Building an alter in your home is an essential way to honor your ancestors, spirit guides helpers and angels. Remember that whatever resonates with you is who you will build your alter for. For easy reference I’ll refer to them as your “guides” throughout this post. Your alter is your space to acknowledge, honor and give thanks to your guides. You will want to locate a space (or spaces) in your home or garden that is a comfortable space to stand, kneel or sit. I have mine located on a wall that is just below head level. This allows me the ability stand comfortably and meditate in front of it, but the height is completely up to you and what position you like to meditate in best. 

If you are finding it difficult to decide where the best place is to have your alter, do a little meditating on it. Have your guides show you where you should have it. Perhaps they will show you a few places and you can determine how and when to put them into place.

Once you have determined a space it’s time to assemble items for your alter. Here’s a list of what you will need. This is just a list to get you started, you should personalize it to what fits best with your uses and needs. It’s time get creative!


What you need to build an alter:

  • Small shelf, stool or table
  • Comfy pillow for sitting or kneeling
  • Dish or pedestal bowl for offerings
  • Crystals – choose a variety that fit with who you are, your goals and that naturally resonate with you
  • Bell, drum or some other object to clear the energy via vibration
  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Cloth or materials that hold special significance to you

Smudging supplies

  • Small heat resistant bowl
  • Feather – this can be one you already have on hand or find in nature
  • Sage – not Palo Santo (see below for explanation) – often found at local shops or co-ops or order online
  • Matches or a lighter

Offerings or Gifts to Guides

  • Tobacco
  • Cornmeal
  • Indurata (also known as Indian or Calico Corn)
  • Alcohol
  • Moon Water
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Dried and fresh flowers
  • Spices
  • Anything else that feels right to you to offer!

Here are a few exampls of what to use. (Includes affiliate links)

Wooden Alter Bowl

Buffalo Hand Drum

Intention Candles

Create Your Alter

Now comes the fun part. Get all of your supplies together and start to place your items in the space. I like to place the large dish/pedestal in the center of my alter because this is the main source of giving area (and largest area of your alter) that you will have. Be sure to leave plenty of room because as you are making your offerings, the center will naturally grow on itself.

Continue laying out your items the way that feels best to you. Trust me, you will know when it feels right. Intermix candles and crystals. Feel free to change out the crystals as you need to.

Healing Junkies Pro Tip

Keep several different colors of candles or votives on hand so that you can change them out as you meditations and needs change. For example, you will want a red candle for love, a green candle for prosperity, a purple candle for self renewal. This will allow you to make full use of your new alter. Okay, now back business…

Once you have set up your alter, take a moment to thank your guides, bow your head, say a special thank you vocally and make your first offering. As you begin to use your alter you will build a special relationship with it and your guides. As you grow closer together you may find that you want to create a special vocal expression or prayer that further honors them and you and binds the bond of trust and knowing together.

Before I wrap up, I did want to touch on outdoor or garden alters. These are phenomenal ways to honor your guides. It can be as simple or extravagant as you like. For me I like to keep it a bit simpler. Again you will want to locate a space, plant flowers or special plants that have meaning to you. Include rocks, crystals, coins and make an area to leave offerings. This can be the same as listed above, you’ll just want to make sure there is an offering dish in place as well.

What are they ways or things that you like to include in your alters? Let me know!