Here are 10 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening


10. You Start to Question Things


By that I mean EVERYTHING. When you are going through your spiritual awaking you will start to question societal norms around work, love, bodies, relationships. Don’t worry though, because you are starting to see that in our society these norms exist simply to keep us held back and from living our true medicine.

The Office Meme

9. You Start to Get Brain Fog

Waking up is hard to do and when you do it’s foggy. You might find that you can’t stay focused on work or finish what you started. Just keep plugging away because this too shall pass.


Homer Simpson's Brain

8. You Start to Notice Numbers

You might be in your car and notice the license plate of the car ahead of you has 777, or check the time and its 2:22. Numbers in these forms having meanings and are messages from your Spirt Guides. You are now starting to notice because you are waking up.


Zach Galifianakis

7. You Start to Feel Deeper Connections with People

You’ll find that when you are going through your Spiritual Awakening that you sense and feel strong connections with people that you never really felt before. You’ll also find that friends who have always been there before start to fall away. Don’t worry, this is so others can enter your life and help you along your path.


Kermit and Miss Piggy Meme

6. You Become Aware and Take Responsibility for Your Toxic Patterns

We all have patterns that don’t serve us and when you are going through your Spiritual Awaking you will start to notice these patterns. Not only will you notice them, you will want to do something about them.


SNL Meme

5. You Start to Experience Compassion For Others Unlike Anytime Before

As you start to wake up you’ll notice that you begin to experience compassion for people that you would never have before. People that hurt you, or wronged you, rather than feel anger or pain you will start empathize with them and look past their misdeeds and more at what may have cause them to behave the way they did.


South Park Meme

4. You Become Okay with Letting Things Go

As you progress on your path to Spiritual Awakening you will find that you are okay with letting things go. People, outcomes to situations, jobs, even life long goals (toxic goals of course). You find peace in losing your attachment to these things and thus continue further on your awakening path.


Let it go meme

3. You Realize Everyone and Everything Has a Purpose

And that includes you. As you wake up you come to the realization that not only do you have a purpose, so does everything in your life. You begin to see the lessons in each interaction you have and work on developing your natural abilities so that you can pursue being who you were sent here to be.


We all have a purpose

2. You See How Everything is C O N N E C T E D

Even little things that were insignificant to you in the past will now bare some sense of meaning and connection with other things in your environment and in the world. You will appreciate the ties that you share with others, nature, animals and the Universe.


Everything is Connected

1. You’re Ready to Start Really Living

Congrats, you’ve reached the final stage. You’ve embraced your flaws and see that they are what set you apart and make you uniquely perfect. You are ready to set out on a new way of living outside of the confines of the limited belief patterns of society and yearn to wake others up to join you – AND YOU WILL!


Beyonce Meme

Are you going through a spiritual awakening? Let me know in the comments.